Category: Media studies

  • Doing the Spotty Dog

    Watching the David Byrne dance routine in today’s Open Culture post reminded me that what he describes as Puppet Leg, where an imagined puppet string is pulled to raise the leg,

    was part of a ‘dance‘ (I use the word in its loosest interpretation) routine known as the Spotty Dog that we did in the 1960s resulting in much merriment.

    Upon a search for a Spotty Dog clip I discovered that it is, bizarrely, an actual exercise these days. But as Miss Cox confesses she, and I suspect many others, has no idea why it is called the Spotty Dog.

    Well let me enlighten you.

  • BBC: Cut and Paste Journalism

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    You’d think that if the BBC is just going to cut and paste from a Wikipedia article about young Jeremy Corbyn they would at least remove the referencing numbers…

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