Wrote this yesterday but it did not appear until today. Spooky.


After two failed attempts I resorted to the never-known-to-fail turn it off and on again. Now I guess me and Big Sur will get along fine.


I bought a new shirt some months ago but have not had an opportunity to wear it yet.

I often adopt the affectation used by Deryck Guyler’s character in Hilda Tablet saying “Say…?” when failing to hear what someone had said.


Even as an elderly pensioner I find a late night hard core drum & bass session very enjoyable.


Making pasta for one seemed like too much hassle. But I force myself – and it was certainly worth the effort.


Trying not to let the daily writing thing become a bind.

I would like to inflate last night’s it-does-not-even-cover-the-cost-of-the-ticket lottery win to something a little more substantial.


Lottery win notification




I am left puzzling whether, after 300+ beginner level games, a sub six minute time means I should move up to a more advanced level.

Sudoko Score




As a young man I would dance The Stoop all night long.  Alas it never became a popular dance and my efforts were neither noticed nor acknowledged.

