Category: Interweb

  • The web of nonsense

    As the developers and techy people continue to drive everyone else from the web and into the welcoming arms of the social media silos so they can have the web all to themselves – because they are so special/precious; let us take a look at some of their quality work.

    Now the Torso Electronics T-1 is an actual thing. And it is fair to say that my ever expanding, increasingly saggy, aged torso could do with some improvement but this is just silly….

    One can barely imagine the excitement and sense of satisfaction that was generated by the creation of this slidey uppy button thingy…

    ADD TO BAG it shouts. It could have said ‘Add to my bag’ but no that would be taking things too far. But who has a bag large enough to contain a sofa? Alas there is nothing to actually put into your bag as it will take two or three weeks to deliver your purchase. You are only ordering it.


  • Analogue News

    Almost subscribed to The Independent but with seventy five cookies and assorted gunk, including nine trackers:

    Listing of some of the cookies etc. that The Independent wants to set.

    I decided against that idea. I will pop to the shop at the end of the road and buy a copy instead. Oh no! Online only!🤷‍♂️

  • Jettisoning Jetpack

    So farewell Jetpack. I subscribed from the early days when you offered some useful tools at a reasonable price. Over the years the price increased and the tools became less useful. So some of this blog will probably stop working. On departing you warn that I will no longer be able to use WordAds – whatever they are 🤷‍♂️.

    I am sure it will be a great loss to both of us. Who does not enjoy websites littered with junk advertising? I know I do. But it is indicative of how the mercantile has subsumed the personal on the web these days. Having no need for an audience and no desire to build one I shall continue, regardless, with what interests/amuses/educates me.

    Similarly I have closed my Bandcamp account. They seem to have become the type of people I try to avoid. I should also cancel my Apple Music subscription since they deemed Taylor Swift to be their artist of the year and their general uselessness…. but I have yet to find anything better and do not want to return to collecting records. It seems to be a service for people who neither like nor have any interest in music. In the days of yore if I ventured in to a record shop and was confronted by a Classical department filled with the non-classical titles available in Apple’s Classical app I would walk out as they clearly had no idea what they are doing. But on the other hand it does pass the Memphis Minnie test – if the record shop had something by Memphis Minnie that was easily findable it may be worth my time perusing their racks.

    Similar artists to Edward Elgar???

  • Background image not appearing on mobile devices

    Spent some time trying to figure out why the background image on my site’s home page was not being displayed on mobile devices although it was appearing in a desktop browser. There are, of course, endless solutions that may or may not have worked for someone in the past. They suggested tweaking your CSS coding or adjusting the size of the image or some other voodoo. None of these worked for me.

    What worked for me was simply ensuring that the image’s colour profile was set to sRGB. Once that was changed everything worked as expected.

All original content may be freely copied. Illustration on packaging may not match content.
Batteries not included. Suitable for vegetarians. Open at the other end.