Tag: Magic Trackpad

  • Twinkle Twinkle Magic Trackpad

    The Trackpad Magic app lets you play various instruments with the Magic Trackpad or MacBook’s Trackpad. It also features a variety of graphical effects and several [wikipop]musical scales[/wikipop]. Pressing the T key shows a grid to aid note finding. Pressing the I key cycles through the scales. The Doe Ray Me scale puts the G in the middle of the trackpad. With the C on the left edge you can pick your way through [wikipop]Twinkle Twinkle Little Star[/wikipop]. Turning off the grid and doing it blindfolded in the dark earns extra points 😉

  • When you move house….

    …you realise just how many mice you have – even a boxed [wikipop search=”Apple Desktop Bus”]ADB [/wikipop] one…

    …although you use the Magic Trackpad for everything these days. There are probably a couple more somewhere ;-).

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