Tag: Moreton In Marsh

  • Mapping the past

    Looking at old maps is almost as pleasurable as listening to old records so the [W:Ordnance Survey] maps from the 1940s provides much distraction. But if this is 1946 shouldn’t there be an airfield (now the [W:Fire Service College]) in the top right corner of [W:Moreton-in-Marsh]?

    1946 Map & recent aerial view
    1946 Map & recent aerial view

    It is a fascinating picture of bygone age when the country was crisscrossed with railway lines and the trains from Moreton stopped at [W:Adlestrop railway station].

    It is late June.

  • Snow Day

    We rarely get a good covering of snow so we have taken to taking any snowy day as a national holiday with businesses, schools and transport networks shutting down.

    Snow Tress - Moreton In Marsh
    Snow Tress – Moreton In Marsh

    Building a Snow Lion (Bear?)…

    Others were inspired otherwise 🙂

  • Back Home

    The webcam is on so I guess we must be back home. After only one year, one month and a few days since the flood…


    …we have a full set of carpets and almost a full set of curtains and a jungle of a garden to be tamed…

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Batteries not included. Suitable for vegetarians. Open at the other end.