More Apple weirdness

Amphetamine is one of those neat little things that sits in your menu bar and does something useful and does it well.  It keeps your Mac awake for as long as you need. Hence the name.


Apple claims that it will lead users to start consuming drugs and alcohol but I have been using it for years and do not consume drugs or alcohol.   Perhaps Apple may be mistaken in their silly assessment.

Curiously asking the iPad to Look Up Amphetamine it suggests the app (and a film)…


You can sign a petition to support the developer. If you own the app you can give the app a 5 star rating on the App Store if not you can get it from the App Store. It’s free.

Paralympic Petition

The day after Alf Morris dies we find ourselves signing a petition to allow a family with a wheelchair user to sit together at the [wikipop]Paralympics[/wikipop]..

Our aim has always been to provide a wide range of services and ticket products for disabled people, tailored to the needs of people rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.