Tag: Swans

  • Chorlton to Dunham Massey

    April’s 30 Days of Biking came and went without our active participation. Our biking is mostly a daily commute to work and occasional shopping trips. But coinciding time off and some sunshine inspired us to venture out last week. Being new to the area we are still exploring various routes and are grateful for knowledge and insights shared by local bike bloggers (Note to self: Remember to sponsor Lorenza.) From the map we reckoned we could get along the [wikipop]towpath[/wikipop] on the [wikipop]Bridgewater canal[/wikipop] to Dunham Massey. So we set off to explore:

    The Cascade Bicycle Club in Seattle have produced a video that pretty much says it all in under three minutes:

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Batteries not included. Suitable for vegetarians. Open at the other end.