Dear BT,
Our recent exchanges dating back to 2nd of June do not seem to have got us very far so here are some pictures to help you understand just what the problem is.
I have had a paperless online account for some years now and I am quite familiar with the concept of logging in to the account but thank you for taking the time to explain it to me anyway.
Once logged in to the account I can view the section with the little pie charts….
and I can view the recent calls listing…..
but when I try to view the payments section all I have seen for several months now is….
I do hope that you can now grasp just what the problem is and find a speedy solution but, given your past performance, I shall not be holding my breath.
Yours etc.
PS In case your are unfamiliar with the concept: If you click on the above images they will enlarge slightly to enhance your viewing pleasure.
Update: FIxed 22nd. July 🙂