Why homeschool at all?

As if there is not enough to worry about these days the BBC asks How do I home-school my children? and provides suggestions for some resources:

Surely the only TED Talk needed is the one by Ken Robinson

If a parent has delegated the legal responsibility for the education of their child by registering them with a school then the school should be providing an education for the child. If a parent is not happy with the education provided by the school they can deregister the child and relish the responsibility for educating their own child in anyway they see fit. Deregistration is a simple process with which the school has to comply. The otherwise than at school option has been successfully educating children for decades – it rarely does, and in my opinion never should, look like school at home.

Education Otherwise has produced a leaflet with useful advice for parents with children affected by the current school closures which is being distributed via local authorities and from their website.