Stykz and Revolution

Stykz is a nice little animation programme…

[youtube 6ghwl9BxQ40&hl Stykz Demo]

…although you are not limited to animating stick people. A beta version for [W:Macintosh] is available with versions for [W:Windows] and [W:Linux] to follow shortly. It was created with Revolution which I once played around with as a replacement for [W:HyperCard] but I never did do much with it. So maybe it is time for another thirty day trial… and not get around to doing much with it 🙂

Time-lapse movies: One day in one minute /Sydney harbour

Sometimes I remember to put the webcam on first thing and managed to catch the moon fading as the sun rose the other day. With the sun hanging so low at this time of year there are reflections – the sun is reflected in the lens which is reflected in the window – and flares aplenty. Note the wind change at the end of the day.

What is it about these [W:Tilt and shift] images that give them a toy like quality? Fascinating (but expensive) stuff…