Flooping on a sunny Sunday afternoon

The Fallowfield Loop (or Floop) follows the old rail route round the south of Manchester. It is mostly traffic free (apart from a road crossing at Fallowfield) and is much used… particularly on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

I went down to the far end of the Gorton Reservoirs and then back to Chorlton which produced enough video to make a movie (book your tickets now!):

Any suggestions to remove more of the narcissistic credits?

Bike lanes & cameras

After recent observations about the state of local bike lanes it was amusing to watch the video by [wikipop search=”Neistat Brothers”]Casey Neistat[/wikipop] dealing with bike lane problems in New York:

Interestingly cycling with a camera is not a new idea:

From: The Cyclists’ Route Book for Great Britain and Ireland, Including the Isles of Man and Wight, etc. by William James Spurrier (1893). Found in the excellent [wikipop]British Library[/wikipop] History of Britain & Ireland app

Chorlton to Dunham Massey

April’s 30 Days of Biking came and went without our active participation. Our biking is mostly a daily commute to work and occasional shopping trips. But coinciding time off and some sunshine inspired us to venture out last week. Being new to the area we are still exploring various routes and are grateful for knowledge and insights shared by local bike bloggers (Note to self: Remember to sponsor Lorenza.) From the map we reckoned we could get along the [wikipop]towpath[/wikipop] on the [wikipop]Bridgewater canal[/wikipop] to Dunham Massey. So we set off to explore:

The Cascade Bicycle Club in Seattle have produced a video that pretty much says it all in under three minutes:

From Sale to Chorlton in under 4 minutes

When cycling in the [wikipop]Cotswolds[/wikipop] you could not go more than a mile without hitting a hill. Here you can cycle all day without hitting a hill. Although people do seem to buy bikes with lots of gears or, even stranger, mountain bikes. So without any hill climbing challenges one has to resort to speed. Starting from the bridge over the [wikipop]M60 Motorway[/wikipop] round the [wikipop]Sale Water Park[/wikipop], across the bridge over the [wikipop]River Mersey[/wikipop] and along the riverbank to Chorlton Water Park in under 4 minutes 😉 The recent snow has left everywhere wet and muddy 🙁

[video:http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/sale2chorlton.mp4|http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/sale2chorlton.ogg|http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/sale2chorlton.flv http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/sale2chorlton.jpg 680 550]

I turned the camera upwards while crossing the motorway bridge thinking it might make a neat kaleidoscopic movie…

[video:http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bridgekaliedoclipsnd-desktop.m4v|http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bridgekaliedoclipsnd-desktop.ogg|http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bridgekaliedoclipsnd-desktop.flv http://blog.duncanmoran.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bridgekaliedoclipsnd-poster.jpg]