More attention to detail :-/

If one is going to write pompous posts one should be paying more attention to the details. As Kev Quirk kindly pointed out the colours were all screwed up on a small mobile screen and suggested some CSS to correct them…

It seems the SEMPress theme is inheriting the colour setting from the title when viewed on a small mobile screen – the mobile version on an iPad was showing correctly.

The WordPress theme customiser allows you to add CSS to override the original settings. So I left the text dark, set the title’s yellow colour and removed the wayward shadowing with the added CSS:

#site-title a {
          color: #ff0;

#site-description {
   font-size: 2em;
         color: #ff0;

body {
   text-shadow: none;

Which seems to have done the job but has probably screwed up something else somewhere.

Walking during lockdown

Did a couple of miles around the park this morning. This is what lockdown looks like.

[videopress xekJ1s94]

When I was working I would walk between six and eight miles, often 20000+ steps, a day but have only managed 10000+ steps once during the last couple of weeks. Shall try and increase the daily step count more frequently from now on.

At least there was a police escort today.

And the herons had ventured from their nest on the island – which or may not be a good thing.


100 days you say?

That takes us to the 3rd of August – one can only hope that by August some kind of new normal will have been established. Meanwhile one hundred days should be more than enough time to offload all the dead feeds from the three hundred and thirty something currently listed in NetNewsWire (other RSS readers are available for all platforms).

I tend to read on the iPad (where NetNewsWire works really nicely) and AirDrop pages back to the Mac when that is where they need to be. Most of the feeds come from a self hosted, but alas now defunct but still functioning, Fever. The feeds range from Astronomy to Bread Baking to Local (and not so local) History to Music and Arts to Programming and Synthesisers and numerous other eclectic points in-between. Which is all part of the joy of the Interwebs and where I heard about #100DaysToOffload.

This is day 1 of 100 Days To Offload. You can join in yourself by visiting the 100 days to offload site.