Dragonfly stuck

External skin of the dragonfly nymph stage

To complete today’s nature studies an old video from a previous garden of a dragonfly stuck in the skin from its nymph stage.

[wpvideo GJ0PaYCl]

Dragonfly: almost emerged

We spotted a dragonfly trying to emerge from its nymph skin but the nymph had not attached itself securely to a reed….

…and so it struggled to free itself…

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Once freed it sat recuperating for a while; so I stopped filming and it immediately took off into the summer sky…. somedays nothing seems to go right.

Emergent Dragonflies

Just missed a couple of [W:dragonflies] emerging from their larval skins and could not get close enough for a good picture.

Dragonfly above it's former skin
Dragonfly above it's former skin

Freshly emerged dragonfly
Freshly emerged dragonfly

I did manage to collect an abandoned skin once they had departed.

External skin of the dragonfly nymph stage
External skin of the dragonfly nymph stage