Menu Bar Clutter

Well as you asked so nicely

Right now it looks like this…

From the left:

  • Hot Mouse Flower – a virtual keyboard thingy.
  • SoundFlower – rewires sound between your apps.
  • Found – a searcher that comes and goes – seems to hog a lot of CPU at times.
  • Vienna – RSS reader.
  • Littleipsum – comes and goes as required.
  • Dropbox – cloudy goodness.
  • Cookie – clutter clearer.
  • Growl – venerable growler.
  • Interarchy – FTP goodness.
  • ClipMenu – clipboard manager.
  • 1Password – password manager which I rarely use from the menu bar.
  • FreeMemory – shows (and reclaims) the free memory you thought you had.
  • BwanaDik – IP/Network displayer now discontinued but still going strong with Mountain Lion. Note the Zappa reference.
  • ClipTwin – quick clipboard swap with the iPad.
  • Caffeine – keeps me and the Mac awake.
  • PopClip – how did we ever manage without it?
  • And then the Mac’s regular Messages, AppleScripts, BlueTooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Clock, User switcher, Spotlight and Notifications.

Last time we looked (February 2010) it looked like this.

All original content may be freely copied. Illustration on packaging may not match content.
Batteries not included. Suitable for vegetarians. Open at the other end.