Well as you asked so nicely…
Right now it looks like this…
From the left:
- Hot Mouse Flower – a virtual keyboard thingy.
- SoundFlower – rewires sound between your apps.
- Found – a searcher that comes and goes – seems to hog a lot of CPU at times.
- Vienna – RSS reader.
- Littleipsum – comes and goes as required.
- Dropbox – cloudy goodness.
- Cookie – clutter clearer.
- Growl – venerable growler.
- Interarchy – FTP goodness.
- ClipMenu – clipboard manager.
- 1Password – password manager which I rarely use from the menu bar.
- FreeMemory – shows (and reclaims) the free memory you thought you had.
- BwanaDik – IP/Network displayer now discontinued but still going strong with Mountain Lion. Note the Zappa reference.
- ClipTwin – quick clipboard swap with the iPad.
- Caffeine – keeps me and the Mac awake.
- PopClip – how did we ever manage without it?
- And then the Mac’s regular Messages, AppleScripts, BlueTooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Clock, User switcher, Spotlight and Notifications.
Last time we looked (February 2010) it looked like this.