Passing clouds of inconsequential observations
Let’s hope that the Americans do not astonish us again today.
Hmmm! Yesterday’s attempt at limiting posts to microblog did not seem to work. Maybe this will do the job.
Having planned a range of activities to keep me occupied after I retired I find I have not taken up any of them. I have found it difficult to concentrate on anything much. Of course global pandemics, lockdowns and the like has not helped.
I sincerely hope that my thirty posts for Microblogvember will be anything but dreary.
In days of yore (just after they invented the wheel) the web was the web (or the Information Superhighway or something) but then the distorting mirrors of Facebook, Google and Twitter came along and started to break things. So these days the trend is towards something called the IndieWeb which helps individuals be individual outside the labyrinth of the social media silos.
This does require some hoop jumping – like:
Now we just need to see if linking out to other blogs/people actually gets picked up – in a socially distanced kind of way.
Today’s flurry of posts have been tests for linking into …
my Micro Blog which I had not managed to get working before – faulty RSS feed URL I suspect…. and the Sunlit app which all now seem to be working swimmingly.
A very short micro blog test.