Nightmare bike rides

Before the [W:BBC] series Britain By Bike reaches hereabouts and shows you some fantasy rural cycling idyll I can reveal some of the real everyday horrors you can encounter…

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The opening shots are from a head mounted camera hence the swaying effect.

This post was to test the [W:HTML 5] embedding thing but it did not work. And so there is a better mp4 version (25MB) and a full screen version (120MB) available.

The music is a version of The Maids of Mitchelstown by [W:The Bothy Band].

The HTML 5/ MP4 thing seems to be alive and well. Next stop the [W:Ogg] version.

[video:||url.webm 605 340]

Updated update: There is an Ogg version now and it is working on my Mac with Safari, FireFox, Opera and Chrome browsers. And in FireFox on Ubuntu in Virtual Box too.
So farewell Flash!

Dragonfly: almost emerged

We spotted a dragonfly trying to emerge from its nymph skin but the nymph had not attached itself securely to a reed….

…and so it struggled to free itself…

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Once freed it sat recuperating for a while; so I stopped filming and it immediately took off into the summer sky…. somedays nothing seems to go right.

Pond Life (part one)

In the murky depths beneath the lily pads lives all manner of creatures but an hour’s worth of video only revealed a newt (or possibly two) passing by momentarily…

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The second visit was an hour after the first with the sun overhead hence the golden hue.