The weird world of Waitrose.

Apparently in Waitrose world we celebrate something called Thanksgiving (whatever that is)


And you can order your Sunday paper…

If only The Observer was called The Sunday Observer it would be easier to find…

But to be fair it has only been a Sunday paper since 1791 so we may need to leave it awhile while the database refreshes.

BBC reports: Desktop banking use falls, as users switch to apps

Why is anyone surprised by this? If all the banking sites are as bad as the abysmal Co-op bank‘s recent improved online banking efforts.

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Responsive design? Never heard of it. There is a Next button and a Help link in there somewhere. You will find them eventually. They ask you to change your password. Insisting it needs to be at least a certain length and contain certain characters. Yes there is an upper limit to how long it can be but they are not going to tell you what that is – you will figure it out eventually.

Once you have entered your Username, Password and security code you are welcomed into their warm embrace….

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…where you can play hunt the OK button. There is not much empty space available on this page so they had to hide the OK button. You will find it eventually.

With the mobile app…. Enter 6 digits and tap Log in…



W is for World Wide Web

Who does not love browsing the web? I know I do and frequently do so. In a little over twenty years the world wide web has grown to become as integral a part of our lives as the water and electricity supplies. In that time it has also lost its clunky name and is often now referred to as the web or the Internet as it is the most familiar face of the Internet.

This week we have checked bank accounts, done shopping (groceries, fabrics and yarns, baking equipment, books), checked when the courier will be delivering goods, applied for jobs, watched TV, listened to radio programming, played games, applied to audition to appear on TV, listened to music, watched film trailers, checked news, weather and travel details, written and read blogs, video chatted with friends and answered questions from strangers, checked library book status, and all the incidental daily diversions one may encounter. All thanks to the ubiquitous web. How did we ever manage before?

The future is not what it used to be….

Pupinia Stewart: Beyond Poe’s Law.

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In 2005 Poe’s law established that on the Internet an extreme point of view is indistinguishable from a parody of that point of view if the parody lacks any identifying smilies or other indicators.

Today amidst the never ending background noise of the Internet it becomes increasingly difficult to verify what is real and what is parody.

Pupinia Stewart (this may or may not be her name) at 16 years old (this may or may not be her age) took on the whole world… and won. Slam dunk (as I believe they say in Americanish).

Beyond satire which stands apart and points a finger, beyond Absurdist and Dadaist she holds a mirror up to the Internet. Who is the stupid one here?

Collective YouTube channel

Personal YouTube channel




Marks and Spencer web site

Apparently Marks and Spencer sales have been hit by a website move…

who would have thought it?

Go to…

and click on Register to be confronted by….

M&S certificate query

Apparently a sub-domain of the Marks & Spencer site is running from a GoDaddy site…

Caveat emptor.

More Apple Mapping

Whilst one can appreciate the humour…

…and the apology

if you want to see what the Tesco store in [wikipop]Gerrards Cross[/wikipop] (the one [wikipop search=”Gerrards Cross Tunnel”]built over the railway line[/wikipop]) looks like you can turn to your trusty Maps folder on your iOS 6 device

and see that, according to Nokia Maps, it is a building site…

and from Google Maps we learn that it is a slightly more advanced building site…

but with Apple Maps we can see it is a fully functioning store.

Skitching 9000 Spams

I just noticed that we have reached 9000 spam comments.

Thanks to the wonderful Akismet they are all caught and dealt with appropriately…apart from those that I cut out and keep to preserve their wonderfulness.

I captured the image with Skitch which has just been acquired by Evernote who have made it available for free.

Setting the [wikipop]FTP[/wikipop] upload to your own domain (as opposed to the built in Skitch offering) took a couple of attempts.

The Directory setting requires yourDomain/directory and the Base URL requires the full URL to find the images. The above example assumes you have created a directory called images to store them in. Skitch uploads the image then reads the full URL for you to copy to the clipboard….

Cimy Header Image Rotator and the Twenty Eleven theme

Here we are with the all new WordPress 3.2 and the Twenty Eleven theme. One difference being that the header images should now be 1000 X 288 pixels. Apart from that you can still insert your Cimy Header Image Rotator plug-in code into the header.php file as detailed for the Twenty Ten theme (with the proviso regarding child themes of course).

// Houston, we have a new header image!

echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'post-thumbnail' );
 else : ?>

Insert your code here

<?php endif; // end check for featured image or standard header ?>

But it is probably time for a change so I am no longer using the Cimy Header Image Rotator plug-in…hence the lack of image rotation 😉

Update: The Header Image Slider plugin is now being tested.